The Benefits of a Board Portal Solution

A board portal software solution gives directors more time for strategic decisions, and less time for meetings’ management and logistics. To realize this, it is essential that the board management software you select has a robust feature set that lets administrators simplify the day-to-day tasks of managing meetings and letting directors to focus their attention on strategic issues rather than small-scale logistics.

The ability to build and update a meeting book in real-time, across multiple platforms and devices directors are able to review meeting material and prepare for meetings in their own way. This is especially true for Gen 3 board portal solutions which are designed to work on any device and platforms, including iPhones and iPads, laptops and Kindle Fire.

This type of unified access allows directors to review materials while they travel or out of the office. A reputable company will provide a variety of support options, including FAQs and how-to videos, remote training, and one contact point.

The most effective board portals combine all the functions a director will require to do his or her job properly which includes document management, voting, communications and reporting. This means that there is no requirement to manage a myriad of different tools or platforms which can create operational complexity and increase the cost. Board portals can be accessed from any device, be it an iPhone, a laptop, or a desktop. This lowers the learning curve for directors and makes the user experience more interesting.

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