How to Write a Board Report Before Your Next Board Meeting

You realize that you’ve not completed your board report the day before the meeting. You’ve got three rambling pages of all your findings from the previous meeting and need input from staff members to finish it before the meeting. But you’re worried that if your board members see that it’s not finished, they won’t be willing to allow it the time it deserves during the meeting.

The purpose of the creation of a board report is to assist your board members make informed choices about your company or organisation. To achieve this they must have the right information at the right time, which implies that you should anticipate their concerns before they even come up. If they want to know about your business’s past performance or its future plans you must be ready with the relevant information.

Include the key metrics you’ve set with your board. These could be financial or non-financial such as new user enrollments, rates of hiring, product data, or patent applications. You should also provide context and background to these numbers. Charts and graphs can help your audience understand the numbers. It is important to present both sides of the story when it comes to the risk or success of your business. One-sided approaches can affect the board’s decision-making and cause them to make unfavorable choices that could hurt your company’s long-term success.

Finalize, proofread and revise your report. Proofread, finalize and edit it. A typo or other mistake could cause irritation to your board members. It is best to have someone else proofread your report. You can also use a grammar checker software to identify any errors prior to sending it.

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