Ecommerce Design Mistakes to Avoid

With online shoppers being spoiled for choice and options, it is increasingly important to make the shopping experience as simple and frictionless as you can. Customers who encounter a frustrating and confusing shopping experience could quit their shopping carts and leave negative reviews, which could cause others who might be interested to stay away from the store.

From poor quality calls-to-actions to faulty images of products, these ecommerce design mistakes can result in serious consequences for your sales. Fortunately, the majority of them are easily preventable by careful planning.

Images of low quality

Everyone doesn’t want to buy an item that doesn’t give it the best possible impression. This is the reason it’s important to make sure you use high-quality images on your e-commerce website. Poor quality images will not only drive away customers, but will also harm the image of your brand.

Not offering a Guest Checkout option

Another common error is not offering guests a guest checkout. This could discourage prospective customers from purchasing on your site. Many customers are hesitant to sign up on an entirely new website, particularly if it requires them to provide personal information, such as their email address. Instead, you should permit users to sign up with their social media accounts in order to simplify the process and lessen their privacy concerns.

Another big e-commerce design mistake is having a messy and disorganized menu structure. It is crucial to figure out the layout of each page on your site so that navigation is intuitive and easy. Make sure that each page is organised according to the type of content it contains and make it easy for users to locate the products they’re seeking.

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